Educational Technology

November 16, 2013

Microsoft improves its free online Office

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:34 am

by Ed Bott, ZD Net

How do you compete with rivals that are willing to give away a product comparable to yours? That’s Microsoft’s multi-billion dollar Office dilemma as it tries to compete with Google and its free Google Apps platform. For a generation raised on Gmail, Google Drive and the Google Docs family might be good enough for some potential customers to decide they don’t need the “real” Office after all. In a bid to raise the stakes, Google is making its free Quickoffice suite a standard feature of its latest Android distribution, KitKat. Meanwhile, Apple is stumbling, cutting features as it tries to make its iWork programs compatible across iPads and Macs. All of which explains why Microsoft is evolving its Office Web Apps at breakneck speed.

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