Educational Technology

November 13, 2013

A Compendium of MOOC Perspectives, Research, and Resources

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:32 am

by Judith A. Pirani, EDUCAUSE Review

Debates about MOOCs and their attendant controversies continue to proliferate. What administrators and IT leaders in higher education need, however, is an overview of MOOCs and information resources to help fathom what they mean for institutions. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) remain higher education’s hot and sexy topic, influencing discussion and media, and creating conjecture and controversy. Nearly every publication and pundit has offered a view on the subject, resulting in an avalanche of information for busy IT leaders and others who want to discern what all this means for their institutions. This compendium attempts to lend a helping hand, recounting perspectives, research, and resources gleaned from a search of EDUCAUSE and other published sources. It is by no means absolute, but rather aims to provide a starting point of discovery for interested parties.

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