Educational Technology

November 11, 2013

How To Use Crowdsourcing In The Classroom

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

By Holly Clark, Edudemic

Crowdsourcing is an important information literacy skill. Jeff Howe was the first to coin the term “crowdsourcing” in Wired Magazine in 2006. In his article, Howe describes how the internet has created a virtual crowd that allows us to share our passions and interests. This is important for students because the idea of crowdsourcing will allow them to utilize personal learning networks to gain a diversity of opinions, find outside experts and use the wisdom of a network or crowd to find more thorough answers and ask better questions. Howe feels there are two important components to crowdsourcing. There must be an “open-call” (you allow everyone to participate), and it must be undefined (let the students ask the questions). The person you think might be the best person, is not necessarily the best person for the job. This forces students to think of each other as potential partners and together, by utilizing the strengths of everyone or the crowd, they can create a much better product or expand an idea. It is what Howe calls “Wikipedia with everything.”

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