Educational Technology

October 20, 2013

Coursera Teaches Teachers Anywhere, Anytime

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:29 am

by Christina Quattrocchi, EdSurge

Pair MOOC provider, Coursera, with teacher training experts at the New Teacher Center, and you get a different breed of professional development–one where teachers choose and there are options for everyone. This is in stark contrast to the one-size-fits-all trainings typically mandated by districts. Coursera began its foray into the teacher professional development world last May when it launched new partnerships with the likes of John Hopkins University School of Education, Relay Graduate School, and the New Teacher Center. Now after the first three teacher PD courses have wrapped up, EdSurge takes a look at what happened, who showed up, and what teacher PD really looks like when it gets MOOC’ed.

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