Educational Technology

June 8, 2013

MOOCs may cut the price of a SUNY degree by one-third

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Grace, CostofCollege

The State University of New York’s new agreement to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) opens the possibility of obtaining a SUNY degree at about one-third discount off full price.SUNY announced Thursday that it signed an agreement to partner with Coursera, a website with 3.7 million users that is a leader in offering what are called “massive open online courses.” Universities worldwide, including private schools in New York like the University of Rochester, upload video lectures and course materials onto the website in an effort to enhance educational access. Exact details are still to be worked out, but students could be granted prior learning assessment credits for MOOC courses taken through a SUNY campus or even elsewhere. These “would essentially act as transfer credits” that would require a fee, but not a tuition charge for each course. Presumably the credit transfer fees would be minimal, well below tuition costs.

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