Educational Technology

April 12, 2021

Algorithms will soon be in charge of hiring and firing. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

Daphne Leprince-Ringuet, ZD Net

One of the most compelling examples is that of AI tools being used in the first stages of the hiring process for new jobs, where algorithms can be used to scrape CVs for key information and sometimes undertake background checks to analyze candidate data. Amazon’s attempts to deploy this type of technology were scrapped after it was found that the model discriminated against women’s CVs. Across the Atlantic, Julia Stoyanovich, professor at NYU and founding director of the Center for Responsible AI, has been calling for more stringent oversight of AI models in hiring processes for many years. “We shouldn’t be investing in the development of these tools right now. We should be investing in how we oversee those technologies,” she told ZDNet.

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