Educational Technology

October 28, 2020

UI spent hundreds of thousands to upgrade Zoom, other online learning software

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:31 am

Sabine Martin, Daily Iowan

The shift to primarily online courses has added extra expenses for the University of Iowa, as it works to upgrade software and provide online-learning tools for students tuning in from home. In the first week of classes at the UI in the fall semester, students, faculty, and staff logged 2,457,091 meeting minutes on Zoom. Communication Manager of the Office of the Chief Information Officer Nicole Dahya said September data shows that the UI has averaged 1.93 million minutes on Zoom per day because of an increased number of online courses. In February, UI Information Technology Services believed it had very clear plans about what kind of technology was necessary to run campus in the future. As COVID-19 cases rose, however, Chief Information Officer Steven Fleagle said the world turned upside down.

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