Educational Technology

November 15, 2012

CIO=Chief Interpretation Officer

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:37 am

by Jason Epstein, CIO Advisor

As I look at where the majority of my time has been spent and where I may have needed to spend some more, it seems that most of my “time well spent” was on translation and interpretation. Interpretation and translation of the technology vision, of the purpose of varying technologies, and of the direction a school is technologically headed is essential to keep all stakeholders on the same page. A CIO needs to be able to articulate what their needs are to the school administration, and illustrate how fulfilling those needs will move the school in the direction that has been suggested by the board. The CIO needs to interpret those visions into tech language and tangible directions for the information services team. hen the CIO needs to interpret these needs, directions and visions to the faculty of the school so that they can stand behind and integrate these tools to enhance the students’ experiences in all educational areas.

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