Educational Technology

October 27, 2012

Future career opportunities abound for girls who study science

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

by Mary Beth Marklein, USA Today

“I come from a dysfunctional family, so I like to fix things,” Vazjier Rosario, 27, a Microsoft engineer and mother of three, told them. Sekela Rabb, 33, said that as a kid she “loved to press buttons … to see what was going to happen.” That curiosity has led her to pursue an associate’s degree in network engineering at a community college. And pink-haired Martine Stillman, 31, a mechanical engineer at Synapse, a local firm that develops cool stuff for Nike, Samsung and other companies, said a college professor inspired her. He said, “You’re never going to be an engineer.” To which she said, “You wanna bet?” Amid concern that the nation isn’t preparing enough students for the high-tech workforce of the future, accomplished tech-savvy women are emerging as a force aimed at unleashing the untapped potential of girls. The first step: disproving a stereotype that computing is a guy thing.

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