Educational Technology

October 26, 2012

William Bowen on MOOCs

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Ken Romeo, Hive Talkin’ (Stanford)

Perhaps it is too early to really hope for less hype in the area of instructional technology, especially since I have been one of those proselytizing about the coming revolution for so long. Hopefully we can all take advantage of this tsunami of publicity to move the field forward through new sources of funding, new opportunities for collaboration, and new experiments in our own classrooms. One thing that Prof Bowen kept coming back to that stuck in my mind was about leadership: “There is, then, much to be said for seeking leadership from a single entity that is well-respected and has a demonstrated capacity to execute.” His implication was that “the Stanfords of the world” should step up to make online education a reality for the rest of the world, but I think it is quite easy to generalize a bit, arguing that we have much to gain from collaborations between those with deep experience and those with broad optimism.

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