Educational Technology

October 19, 2012

How Schools Use Computer Chips to Monitor Our Kids

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Kevin Mathews, Care2

Schools in San Antonio, Texas have unveiled new technology that places a radio-frequency identification chip on its students so it can monitor their whereabouts throughout the day. As The Huffington Post and RT report, the chip is implanted in the students’ IDs, which are to be worn around the neck constantly. Despite protests from students and parents, the Northside Independent School District says it will be expanding the program to over 100 schools and nearly 100,000 students. School officials have threatened that students who refuse to wear their monitoring devices are subject to punishments like suspension or being transferred to another school. Currently, students without their IDs are also not allowed to participate in afterschool activities, eat in the cafeteria or go to the library.

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