Educational Technology

October 11, 2012

Building Tomorrow’s Cyber Defenders

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:31 am

by Bobbie Hobbs, Connection Newspapers

The Chantilly Academy was officially designated by the Virginia Board of Education as Chantilly Academy – A Governor’s STEM Academy. It still provides students with career and technical education, but with an added focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects. Accordingly one of the new offerings this school year is a course called Information Technology-Cybersecurity; and before school started, students got a taste of what’s in store for them. One of Chantilly High’s business partners, Northrop Grumman Information Systems, partnered with the academy and held a Cybersecurity Camp at the school. “Northrop Grumman is the largest cybersecurity provider to the federal government,” said corporate spokeswoman Marynoele Benson. And the company sent instructors to Chantilly to develop the camp’s curriculum, teach the classes and run the challenges. “It’s about network defense, for kids to understand how their computers can be infiltrated and how to protect against it,” said Benson.

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