Educational Technology

July 26, 2012

E-learning in the ‘Multi-Generational’ workforce: 4 useful tips

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

by: Uri, Box Network Europe

New media changed more than the way we work, but also the way we share and consume knowledge. The context in which we work is changing faster and faster, especially the online field. Employees need to be kept up to speed with these changes to guarantee work quality. The investment of continuous education of the work force is high. Every educational challenge and every department is different. How can one cope with these challenges as an organization? The workforce of the 21st century has been called the ‘Multi-Generational Workforce’ because they consist of a mixture of baby boomers and generation Y. The latter differs from the first because they were brought up in the digital era. They are familiar with the internet and social media and easily swing a question into their online network. Research of Harvard shows that in 1986 when the first baby boomers started to work they had to rely for 75% on their own knowledge. The other 25% came from sources such as manuals. In 2009 people were relying on only 10% on their own knowledge and on 90% on information from third party sources such as social networks. New media did not merely change the way we work but primarily the way we share knowledge and learn. Therefore, companies need to make sure their workforce knows how to navigate the vast online environment.

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