Educational Technology

November 16, 2018

Traditional universities need to move with the times

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

Cheng Choon Fei, Straits Times

In regions where the majority of people have access to low-cost computers and Internet, MOOCs are a blessing given the high cost of tertiary education. They cultivate a habit of self-learning, a vital life skill. MOOCs broaden access to information and provide alternatives to traditional universities, which will force institutions to be more competitive and reduce their costs. Such online courses place the initiative on students who must really yearn for their education and be passionate about the subject.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is credited for being a fine educational establishment. MIT also offers an expansive list of MOOCs. Critics question whether MOOCs offer a quality education but all systems of learning have their flaws and none is perfect.

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