Educational Technology

April 16, 2012

Transforming The Market For Kids’ Media By Rating Its Educational Value

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

by Fastcoexist

Common Sense Media, a nonprofit, already rates thousands of movies, video games, books, and apps for age-appropriateness on things like sex, violence and language. Their new ratings, created by a cadre of Ph.Ds, aims to measure something more complicated: the educational value of a video, app, or game–not just according to the Common Core academic standards on things like math and reading, but also on even more difficult-to-evaluate qualities like social and emotional intelligence and creativity. “We created a fairly detailed rubric based on factors shown to be important to kids’ learning in any setting–things like, is the learning baked-in vs. extraneous to the material? Is there feedback present, and does the child experience build in their performance?” says Seeta Pai, managing director for education and research at Common Sense. Parents, teachers, and young people will be able to annotate the ratings with their own feedback.

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