Educational Technology

April 19, 2018

GW should institute mid-semester course evaluations to help current students

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:28 am

OPINIONS By GW Hatchet Editorial Board

Currently, the University administers online evaluations at the end of each semester, while some departments elect to do their own paper evaluations. There are a few select professors who do offer individual mid-semester course evaluations, but this is far from the norm. GW should implement mid-semester course evaluations in addition to the ones given to students at the end of each semester to improve classes for current students. Evaluations during each semester would allow students to voice complaints or concerns, whether about a professor’s teaching style or the assignments, at a time where the feedback can be immediately taken into consideration for professors to improve the second half of the semester. This would help students walk away from a course with more knowledge and a more positive experience, benefiting both the students and the professor.

GW should institute mid-semester course evaluations to help current students

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