Educational Technology

April 12, 2018

A deep dive into college data: The state of higher ed marketing analytics 2018

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Karine Joly, University Business

Why is digital marketing—so easily measurable—not measured in higher education at the level it is in other industries?  Since this project was conducted around an assessment—and not a mere survey—of the gap between best and current practices, the study participants all received a final grade computed on a 100-point scale to illustrate the distance completed on the road to digital marketing analytics, the HEDMAR score. The distribution of these resulting scores is a great tool to visualize the digital marketing analytics maturity of the industry. With 77 percent of participants scoring under 50 on the HEDMAR scale, the need for improvement across the industry couldn’t be clearer. Yet, the 14 percent of participants scoring between 55 and 80 prove that higher levels of analytics maturity are possible in higher education.

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