By Victoria Grabner, the Gleaner
The students become more comfortable using a computer mouse and knowing how to log in, open a program and read instructions for how to use other computer programs — skills that are very relevant today. Starting students on the program in kindergarten has made it easier for them to keep up with their peers, too. In fact, in the past five years since Headsprout was implemented districtwide, 90 percent of Niagara’s students read on or above their grade level. With 300 students in grades kindergarten through five at Niagara, that means only 30 students in the whole school are below their grade level — and those students are getting other targeted reading assistance to help them improve. Across all elementary schools in the district, 80 percent of students in kindergarten through fifth grades were at or above grade level on the spring 2011 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. This is a test that tracks individual student progress three times per year in the fall, winter and spring.
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