Educational Technology

October 31, 2011

4 tech tips for parents to embrace digital education

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

by Kelsey Sheehy, U.S. News & World Report

Learning the ins and outs of the latest technology is a lot like learning to swim or ride a bike: The younger you are, the more naturally it comes. This is troubling news for parents who already feel two steps behind their digitally savvy children. While assisting with traditional school work poses enough challenges, parents now need to help their children build wikis and solve math problems on iPad apps. As schools shift toward online platforms and E-learning devices, tech-challenged parents may feel intimidated. The good news is that keeping up with the digital pace is as simple as starting a conversation, says Monica Vila, founder and “chief technology mom” of The Online Mom, a website focused on helping parents embrace technology.,0,3454898.story

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