By Jonny Evans, Computer World
Apple’s plan to bring better educational tools to children worldwide could include a solar-powered iPad rig equipped with pico projectors and more, except the solution doesn’t come from Apple — but does use iPads. In Zimbabwe, government education ministers are working together with an iPad-based solutions provider to deliver a solar-powered education system, consisting of a solar powered device, micro projectors and a bunch of iPads. Dubbed the ‘School Box’, Zimbabwe’s Education, Sport, Arts and Culture minister David Coltart recently claimed traveled to Paris to meet with Apple to discuss the solution. “Great meeting with Apple today in Paris – unveiled a fascinating new “School Box” which will take iPads to the most remote rural schools – using solar power and micro projectors we will be able to bring computerized teaching aids to the poorest schools. I hope we will get the first pilot programs started early next year.
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