Educational Technology

October 22, 2017

Automating Threat Detection: The Importance of Machine Learning

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by CSO Online

Cybersecurity professionals and the organizations they attempt to protect are drowning in data about threats and false-positives, with more than250,000 new malicious programs registered every day. Organizations are seeing anywhere from 500 to 200,000 security alerts per day, yet often don’t investigate them. One study shows thatfewer than 1% are investigated. “Most organizations are dealing with 10 to 25 technologies ranging from SIEM [Security Information and Event Management], vulnerability assessment, endpoint detection, threat intelligence and user behavior to incident response,” said cybersecurity guru Jon Oltsik, senior principal analyst, ESG. This is driving a shift in focus from threat detection to incident response, with 92% having deployed, plan to deploy or are interested in deploying machine learning technology to support automation and orchestration, he noted.

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