Educational Technology

October 19, 2011

iNACOL Revs National Standards Guide for Online Learning

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

By Kanoe Namahoe, THE Journal

A new report released today by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) outlines new standards for online learning courses in K-12. The report, National Standards for Quality Online Courses, Version 2, was formulated by a committee of experts to give K-12 schools, districts, and organizations a common benchmark for evaluating and implementing courses for their online programs. “By offering up a set of guidelines to promote quality online courses, it is our hope that all students engaged in online and blended learning programs will be given the opportunity to access a world-class education,” said Susan Patrick, contributor to the report and president of iNACOL, in a prepared statement. The new national standards–based in part on the original standards, plus results from research and surveys–focus on aligning online course content to state academic standards, instructional design, technology, student assessment and course management. The goal, Patrick said, is to ensure that each course supports the academic growth and critical learning experience of K-12 students in online and blended learning environments.

Please see the iNACOL report here:

Please see the THE Journal report here:

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