Educational Technology

September 21, 2017

How To Make Over $100,000 Per Year Creating Online Courses

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Jeff Rose, Fortune

Have you ever wondered how regular folks work up the gumption and courage to follow their dreams? Joseph Michael, a regular dad from Missouri, offers a story of redemption nearly anyone can relate to. While the entrepreneur once lived paycheck-to-paycheck, he eventually taught himself how to use popular writing software Scrivener. From there, Michael created a course to help others learn to use the tricky program to help their own writing careers. Since his early success as @ScrivenerCoach, Joseph Michael has taken the online course creation world by storm – offering courses to help fledgling writers and entrepreneurs figure out how to start the businesses of their dreams. And now, he’s living the kind of life he always wished for.

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