Educational Technology

March 26, 2017

This laptop-bricking USB stick just got even more dangerous

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:36 am

by Zack Whittaker, ZD Net

Remember that USB stick that would destroy almost anything in its path, from laptops, photo booths, kiosks, to even cars? Now there’s a new version, and it’s even more dangerous than before. The makers of the USB Kill stick have created a more powerful version with a higher voltage and amp output, and a three-times faster pulse rate of up to 12 times a second. And, with microUSB, USB-C, and Lightning adapters, the USB Kill claims to be able to kill iPhones, iPads, and other devices, like phones, tablets, and digital cameras. USB Kill also comes in an “anonymous” model, which looks like an ordinary black USB stick — unlike the regular version that includes branding. This is another reason why you shouldn’t plug in USB sticks you find on the street. USB Kill still costs €49.95, or about $53 at the time of writing.

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