Educational Technology

May 21, 2010

WITI Honors 5 of Science and Technology’s Top Women at 15th Annual WITI Hall of Fame Awards

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am



WITI -Women In Technology International announced today the recipients of the 15th Annual WITI Hall of Fame Awards to be honored on the evening of September 13, 2010 during the three day Annual WITI Women and Technology Summit in San Jose, California September 12-14. The WITI Hall of Fame Awards, sponsored by the WITI Foundation, are considered one of the most prestigious honors for women in science and technology. Katherine Boehret of the Wall Street Journal will serve as Master of Ceremonies, while many of the industry’s top executives and professionals will introduce the honorees. “Historically, too many notable achievements by women have gone unrecognized. The WITI Hall of Fame Awards was founded to provide a platform to recognize women whose contributions to technology and science and commitment to advancing women can be celebrated and recorded. WITI Hall of Fame winners stand as role models to inspire future generations to pursue groundbreaking solutions in technology and science,” says Carolyn Leighton, WITI Founder and Chairwoman.

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