Techno-News Blog

December 13, 2014

Local experts discuss impacts of technology on teaching and learning

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Brian Wheeler, Charlottesville Tomorrow

In 2012, Michael Lenox was among the first UVa professors to start teaching what are known as a Massive Open Online Course on the Coursera platform. “We can think about online education as both simultaneously a substitute and a complement to existing educational structures and efforts,” Lenox said. Lenox, who teaches at UVa’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, said consumers will be scrutinizing the value of a residential four-year university experience. “I would argue that residential-based education at a university setting is superior and will continue to be superior for a lot of reasons we can imagine to online education,” said Lenox, “but there’s also a potential for a very large price differential.” “At some price differential, people will substitute to online education and online degrees over residential-based degrees,” Lenox said.

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