Techno-News Blog

July 3, 2014

4 ways to make college more accessible for special needs students

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By Andria Casey, eCampus News

There may be a shortage of apps targeting post-secondary special education, but you can still take steps to facilitate a smooth transition for your students.  In recent years, the awareness of special needs in education has grown steadily. Yet, most of the focus is placed on K-12 resources. As special needs students move on to higher education, the amount of support and resources seems to dwindle. Nearly 350 special needs apps can be found when searching in the iTunes store. The large majority of these apps feature fun cartoons and basic concepts – perfect for the K-12 audience, but not the higher education audience. I was impressed with the recent eCampus News article on assistive technology apps, which listed several apps that held value beyond the doors of high school.

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