Techno-News Blog

May 19, 2014

Missing the Mark: Where Higher Education and Technology Don’t Meet (But Should)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By Robert Strazzarino, Edudemic

Implementing software and on-campus technology is the best way for colleges to stand out in the crowded educational landscape, and this doesn’t just include automated student scheduling and streamlined registration processes. We’re talking about positively affecting students’ lives every single day. Institutions are constantly finding unique ways to serve their students better. One South Carolina college is using social media to help new students find a compatible roommate. Dozens of universities have technology that allows students to check for vacant laundry machines online, and students in cold climates are staying warm by tracking campus shuttles from their phones. Here are a few off-the-wall ideas any institution can use to mix technology with daily student life, improve the learning experience, and drive its competitive advantage.

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