Techno-News Blog

July 21, 2013

Is an IPO Looming in Coursera’s Future?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

 by  edcetera
One hint might be found in the last paragraph of an interview Forbes did with Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller. Asking what lies ahead in the future, an acquisition or IPO, Koller stated that the latter might be inevitable, as Coursera has “outside investors, and they expect a return.” Doing some basic back of the napkin math, with a total of $65 million in funding, an acquisition offer by another company would need  to be between $325 to $650 million at this point, which would theoretically still be in the range of the top players in the space. But Koller says that she and the team are not interested in being acquired, as she is “not sure that the companies that might want to buy us would have the right goals.” A couple of days earlier, Andrew Ng also made a comment in that direction during a phone interview with Inside Higher Ed, stating, “For as long as its Daphne and me running the company, I’m confident we’ll do what’s best for students.”

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