Techno-News Blog

May 25, 2013

China’s ‘state-sponsored hackers renew attacks on US’

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by the BBC

The Pentagon has accused China’s army of carrying out cyber-attacks. State-sponsored hackers have renewed attacks on the US after a three-month hiatus, the New York Times reports. In February, Unit 61398 of the Chinese army was named as the source of many cyber-attacks on American companies and federal agencies. The publicity drew denials from the Chinese government, but also prompted the number of attacks launched from China to slow to a trickle. Now, the newspaper reports, the unit has resumed attacks on US companies. Cyber-defence company Mandiant told the New York Times the unit, which is believed to operate out of a heavily guarded building in the suburbs of Shanghai, had recently stepped up its activity. It declined to name which agencies and businesses had been attacked.

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