Techno-News Blog

April 26, 2013

Mobile and Global: 10 Minutes With eBay CEO John Donahoe

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Mike Isaac, All Things D

As e-commerce has grown more competitive with the rise of startups like Square, micro-payments companies like Stripe and independent stores like Etsy, John Donahoe has had his work cut out for him. But the CEO has done well during his tenure at eBay thus far, kickstarting the company out of a period of stalled growth, spurring the Marketplace and PayPal payments businesses and continuing to see consecutive quarterly growth. To keep this up, Donahoe is singing the same tune as the rest of the industry: Focus on mobile and target international markets. We caught up with him for a bit this week, where he expanded on eBay’s ambitions.

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