Techno-News Blog

April 26, 2021

A Pandemic Silver Lining: Helping Former Students Finish Degrees Online

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

Philip Rous, Yvette Mozie-Ross, Sarah Shin and John Fritz; EDUCAUSE Review

To be sure, moving nearly all teaching and learning online so quickly was challenging, especially at the undergraduate level, but one unexpected outcome was successfully recovering or “re-recruiting” 123 former students who (for one reason or another) left UMBC before finishing their degrees. Below, we describe why and how we planned and implemented the Finish Line near-completer reengagement program—which leveraged our predominantly online classes in fall 2020—and what we learned from the process. We then suggest ways to support adult learners, help them feel welcome, and foster their sense of belonging in the institution.

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