Techno-News Blog

December 25, 2020

Overcoming pandemic fatigue: How to reenergize organizations for the long run

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:14 am

Aaron De Smet, Laura Tegelberg, Rob Theunissen, and Tiffany Vogel, McKinsey

Pandemic fatigue: it’s plaguing organizations and employees right now. In 2020, we’ve endured a global pandemic, a massive economic crisis, and widespread social unrest. Layer on top of that forces that are fundamentally reshaping societies—technological innovation, business-model disruption, societal inequality, and workforce automation—and it’s clear that an epidemic of stress has been building, with the COVID-19 crisis as the tipping point. Perhaps most important, companies are waking up to the need for greater empathy and compassion to create a workplace that can unleash the full potential of their people even beyond the crisis. Global trends were already starting to turn the old rules of industrial-age management on their heads, introducing new, more human-centered principles that truly put talent and people at the heart of organizational success.

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