Techno-News Blog

July 25, 2012

Startup Uses a Smartphone Compass to Track People Indoors

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

by Jessica Leber, Technology Review

Way-finding indoors: With Indoor Atlas’s smartphone tool, a developer can map the magnetic field inside a building, the first step to locating people who walk around inside. Indoor Atlas. People have used magnetic compasses to find their way outdoors for centuries. In a twist, a startup has found a way to use the magnetic sensors in smartphones to locate people themselves—this time, indoors, where GPS signals don’t normally reach. Tracking people in this way could lead to mobile maps that work indoors, and let stores target offers to customers standing in front of a particular product.  The Finland-based startup, Indoor Atlas, launched last week as spin-off from the University of Oulu. The company’s technology, intended for mobile software developers to use in other apps, is a new approach in the growing market for systems that track people inside.

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