Techno-News Blog

December 6, 2018

The charge of the chatbots: how do you tell who’s human online?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:27 am

by the Guardian

We find ourselves locked into interminable text chats with breezy automated bank tellers and offer our mother’s maiden name to a variety of robotic speakers that sound plausibly alive. I’ve resisted the domestic spies of Apple and Amazon, but one or two friends jokingly describe the rapport they and their kids have built up with Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home Hub – and they are right about that: the more you tell your virtual valet, the more you disclose of wants and desires, the more speedily it can learn and commit to memory those last few fragments of your inner life you had kept to yourself. As the line between human and digital voices blurs, our suspicions are raised: who exactly are we talking to?

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