Techno-News Blog

October 19, 2018

How campuses can play better defense against expanding cyberthreats

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

Russell Schrader, Education Dive

Russell Schrader, executive director of the nonprofit National Cyber Security Alliance, shares ways institutions can keep information, and the means of exchanging it, secure: “The biggest challenge is knowing what you have and who is accessing it — data integrity. The idea is that when you put data in, it stays exactly the same while you’re storing it, you know who’s taking it out, and it’s exactly the same way it was before [when they’re done]. It’s not just about access to data and dissemination of data, it’s what’s happening to that data at rest. A lot of colleges don’t have up-to-date, sophisticated data-management systems and hardware and software to do that, so they’re prone to attacks not only to exfiltrate data but also to change data. It’s certainly not unknown for institutions that pride themselves on having open and accessible systems to also pride themselves on educating an incredibly sophisticated group of students who are well-versed in cybersecurity and in coding.”

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