Techno-News Blog

June 24, 2018

Why Companies Are Taking It Upon Themselves to Help Workers Learn New Skills

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:26 am

by Lydia Belanger, Entrepreneur

“Companies are having trouble keeping up,” says Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of online learning platform Coursera, of the rapid rate of technological acceleration worldwide today. “Even large companies that have a dedicated learning and development function don’t have the resources and expertise to teach all of those new skills to people spread around the world.” For small companies, such resources are obviously even more limited. According to a Bank of America report, small-business owners listed training and developing existing staff as the number-one priority for using loan capital in 2015. But as Deloitte found in a 2017 survey, more than half of companies do not have learning programs focused on building skills for the future. But the tide could be changing.

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