Techno-News Blog

February 7, 2018

U Iowa offers first online lab course

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By Aadit Tambe, Daily Iowan

In the world of augmented reality, instructors are taking the laboratory experience to an online platform using cutting-edge technology. Students get real-time lab exposure for a nanotechnology course online. The University of Iowa nanotechnology & nanofabrication course teaches students how to fabricate structures on a nanoscale. They learn how to make structures that are 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. “We have been teaching this course the traditional way [for several years],” said Adjunct Assistant Professor Aju Jugessur, the director of the UI Microfabrication Facility. “A year ago, I came up with the idea of offering the course to students who are not on campus, or students who are on campus but cannot take this course because of scheduling conflicts.”

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