Techno-News Blog

December 10, 2017


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By Matthew Lynch, Tech Edvocate

It’s no secret that many teachers leave their jobs to pursue more lucrative careers. About one-third of teachers quit within the first five years of joining the profession. Where do they go? Some choose to stay in the field of education in a different way—by becoming EdTech entrepreneurs. Teachers who become EdTech entrepreneurs are often very successful. So why do teachers make some of the best EdTech entrepreneurs? The number one reasons educators make great EdTech entrepreneurs may be simply that teachers know what teachers need and want. EdTech entrepreneurs who come from the tech field and have never been in a classroom don’t understand the unique needs of classroom teachers. Teachers can imagine how students will use certain devices or apps. They can foresee the problems a new technology might create. Teachers are experts at figuring out what helps students and what students will misuse. For this reason, teachers make superb EdTech entrepreneurs.

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