Techno-News Blog

August 25, 2017

Real-Time Platforms Add Personal Touch to Online Learning

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:16 am

By Joe McKendrick, RTI Insights
Online learning has moved to the next level. Instructors can now administer their courses with real-time data feeds, enabling interactions in the moment.  As education is increasingly delivered online, there are new possibilities for real-time interaction between educators and students. That’s the word from Erin Brereton, who notes in a recent issue of EdTech: Focus on Higher Education. Online learning is seen as a huge piece of the future of higher education, Brereton says. “Faculty can provide coursework from a learning management system and measure track student learning and program outcomes,” Brereton says. “The real-time data that some learning management system platforms provide can help faculty see patterns, such as how many students answer introductory-level questions incorrectly, to determine what extra resources are needed.”

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