Techno-News Blog

March 28, 2017

Is online college about to skyrocket?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:13 am

by Laura Hollis, World Net Daily

What threatens to disrupt the traditional business model of a four-year college education? Online education. I’ve watched for more than two decades as online education has morphed from being an option of last resort to entire programs offered online at respected research institutions. Stanford was among the first to offer a massively open online course and now offers several hundred online courses. Ohio State, Penn State and Arizona State universities offer nationally ranked, completely online bachelor’s degrees. The University of Illinois, among others, has an online MBA program. The business model of higher education needs to change, for the sake of our future graduates as well as our own survival. As history has shown, either you anticipate the disruption or you are made obsolete by it.

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