Techno-News Blog

January 31, 2017

What are the top in-demand workforce skills for the coming year?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Education Dive

Udemy for Business, which is the online marketplace for team virtual learning, released their Learning Index Report, which highlighted the emerging skills and trends that we may see in 2017. There is a growing interest in artificial intelligence and on-demand learning programs that will help move employees into more challenging roles. The Udemy study indicated that: More agile workplaces – this will be facilitated by new technology that requires flexible task management and processes. Soft skills will take the forefront as employees adapt to multiple roles. Increase in personalized learning – employees will increasingly train using on-demand self-service learning models that have a more actionable result. Companies will worry less about credentials, prioritizing skills learned instead. Reality goes virtual – more training will take place in virtual reality environments (think Pokémon Go).

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