Techno-News Blog

October 17, 2016

Is Quantum Cryptography the Future of Cybersecurity?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Meghan Brown,

A new massive open online course (MOOC) being offered by CalTech and Delft University aims to help engineers, scientists and cybersecurity researchers prepare for the future of quantum computing, and its associated security needs with a course on Quantum Cryptography. The MOOC will focus on the ways in which the principles of quantum mechanics can be harnessed to create secure lines of communication. Students will learn how to take advantage of quantum effects such as entanglement and uncertainty to create and apply cryptographic tasks that can provide levels of security beyond the reach of classical cryptography. This type of digital security will become even more necessary as the digitization of our products, our services and our data continues to increase in complexity, and as quantum computing becomes more of a reality.

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