Techno-News Blog

May 27, 2016

How this 16-year-old is teaching the world to code

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Anita Balakrishnan, CNBC

High school junior Moksh Jawa is only 16 years old, but thousands of people around the world are turning to him to learn a valuable skill: coding. Jawa, the author of “Decoding AP Computer Science A: For a High Schooler, By a High Schooler,” is also the self-taught brains behind a free online computer course that has 4,000 students enrolled. “Going through the entire experience, I know that if the resources I had used had been paid, I wouldn’t have learned computer science,” Jawa said. “It’s my way of giving back. I’ve learned so much from the online community. Computer science is such an important skill it should be offered for free.”

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