Techno-News Blog

March 24, 2016

Learning complex tasks ‘SUPERCHARGES’ the brain

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am


You might imagine the brain to be divided into specific areas responsible for processing different senses. But researchers have now shown how we can ‘supercharge’ our minds and break down its barriers so it becomes more flexible. Scientists taught sighted people to read Braille and found the complex tactile task surprisingly activated the visual cortex, as well as the tactile one. ‘Our findings tear up that view, showing we can establish new connections if we undertake a complex enough task and are given long enough to learn it.’ The study, published in the journal eLife, could have allow us to learn how to ‘bend’ different sections of the brain to our will by learning other demanding skills, such as playing a musical instrument or learning to drive.

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