Techno-News Blog

March 19, 2016

Ten years forward: Will campus look the same?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

By Samiha Uddin, Daily Illini

Technology is constantly moving forward — from hoverboards to virtual reality. Ten years from now, will campus look the same? Brian Quick, University communication professor since 2007, said students’ communication techniques will continue to change. “Students have generally remained the same since 2007,” Quick said. “We attract strong students here at the University. However, in regards to technology, how students communicate continues to evolve as technology rapidly changes.” Along with the technological changes, Quick sees a bigger emphasis on online education. “The other large change I would say is the immense amount of online education. For the past several years I have taught an online health campaign class,” Quick said. “As instructors, I remember back in the day when we entered grades in paper grade books. Today, we enjoy sites such as Compass, Blackboard and Moodle to assist with course management.” Quick has a specific image that he envisions for the future of the University — one that includes experiencing campus culture no matter the format.

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