Techno-News Blog

October 24, 2015

How a blended program can change Common Core math

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:24 am

By Gina Piero, eSchool News

One of the biggest advantages it provides is preparing our educators for Common Core instruction through professional development, training, and information sessions. They are given the strategies they need to utilize the online portal’s resources, such as lesson plans, student activity pages, and teaching tools. It also allows us to take a blended learning approach to our Common Core math instruction. Blended learning at the elementary level is different than the traditional definition. In the elementary classroom, we typically think of incorporating multiple instructional strategies, instead of the “sit and get” instructional model of long ago. In our classrooms, educator-direct instruction is minimal and there is much more student exploration and interaction, as well as some type of technology incorporated in most lessons. It’s an approach that seems to be working.

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