Techno-News Blog

August 24, 2015

Online course teaches kids to program while having fun

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By Linda Haviv, Fox News

With technology skills becoming as important as readin’, ritin’ and ’rithmetic in today’s digital world, many parents want to ensure that their children develop the right skills for the future. But many don’t know where to begin and how to make learning tech skills fun for their kids. A new online course, “Server design 1,” is using one of the most popular video games ever – Minecraft, which has more than 100 million registered users and has been a hit among younger players – to teach code to children between 8 and 14. The course teaches kids how to create a Minecraft world that they develop and design themselves using Java code. This is the latest online course designed by Youth Digital, a technology education organization whose mission is to “create creators” by teaching children how to code, develop apps and design 3D modeling in a fun but challenging manner.

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